Hello. Welcome to the landing spot for all news and information about the Route 22&3 Corridor Plan.

The Draft Plan is Ready to Review!

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The Latest

  • The plan's drafted strategies were presented to the 22&3 Steering Committee, organized into goal themes: Beautification, Connection, and Vibrancy. An online survey allowed committee members to rank each strategy from 1 to 5, based on their like or dislike. Following each section were open-ended questions about their preferences and areas for improvement. The survey was open from May 23rd to June 14th, and 14 out of the 17 steering committee members responded.

    The feedback and comments will be used to make necessary changes to clarify the strategies and help prioritize them in the plan’s implementation chapter.

    Steering Committee Summary

  • On March 19th, Human Nature hosted a streetscape and beautification workshop with the plan’s Technical Review Committee to discuss streetscape improvements, intersection treatments, gateway enhancements, and landscape interventions. The consultants are revising the strategies and preparing the materials for public engagement.

    Check back in April for the first glance at 22&3’s future beautification initiative.

  • Following the Steering Committee Meeting in December, the 22&3 Team returned to the drawing board with the Committee’s feedback and revised the plan’s proposed Vision Statement, Goals, and Character Areas.

    The summary below reviews the Committee’s input. The results for each section have helped the 22&3 Team make a recommendation to the Technical Review Committee for the plan's Vision, Goals, and Character Areas.

    Steering Committee Summary

  • The 22&3 team’s next steering committee meeting will be on December 13th @ 6:30, located at Fire Station #57 (3435 US-22, Loveland, OH 45140).

    We hope members can attend to hear about the latest public engagement, help revise the plan’s vision statement, learn details of the plan’s format, and contribute to the draft goals and policies.


  • When: October 4th, 2023 - 6:30-8:30

    Where: Trustee Meeting Room, 4900 Parkway Drive, Suite 180, Mason, OH 45040

    Please join our steering committee, consisting of 14 stakeholders, and the Township Board of Trustees for the first Corridor Study Open House. The open house is an excellent opportunity for residents, business owners, property owners, and stakeholders to work together to shape the future of the 22 & 3 Corridor.

    If you cannot attend the meeting, please take the 22 & 3 Survey, which can be found at the project website 22and3Plan.com. The survey will be available online on October 5, 2023.

    Any questions or comments, please contact Sam Hill, Planning & Zoning Director, via email at shill@deerfieldtwp.com or by phone 513-701-6964.

  • Staff and consultants led the Steering Committee kick-off meeting on Wednesday evening, August 30th, at Fire Station #57. The meeting began with an opening statement from Deerfield Township Board of Trustee President Lelle Lutts Hedding, proceeded by self-introductions from the steering committee. Next, Deerfield Planning & Zoning Director Sam Hill introduced Liz Fields (Project Manager). Liz ran through the kick-off presentation, covering team introductions, the steering committee's role, the project's extent and purpose, the planning process, the project schedule, the project website (22and3plan.com), and the Existing Conditions Analysis report.

    The presentation flowed into activities designed to spur conversation and receive committee feedback. Starting with a Mentimeter survey, an interactive live polling tool that allowed the committee members to vote on various topics and to see how other members voted. The survey covered focus topics, land uses, transportation improvements, and the vision statement. Following the Mentimeter survey, committee members broke into teams and analyzed the corridor's strengths and weaknesses by drawing and writing on map posters. Key takeaways from the activities are posted in sections three and four in the full report.

    The meeting ran for two hours and was a great kick-off to begin the project's engagement process. The Steering Committee will meet again in October after the first public meeting.


  • The advisory committee team will host their kick-off meeting at the following time and location:

    Date: 08/30/2023
    Time: 6:30
    Location: Station 57 - 3435 W Route 22 & 3, Loveland, OH 45140

    Download Agenda

  • McBride Dale Clarion and Human Nature finished their Existing Conditions Analysis report on the corridor. The analysis topics include Average Annual Daily Traffic, character areas, topography, water features, land use, zoning, community facilities, vacancy, pedestrian connectivity, landscaping, and so much more.

    View the full report under the Materials tab.

  • Two things are happening right now. The 22&3 team is working hard to establish the plan’s steering committee and schedule its first meeting. And a detailed existing conditions analysis is underway, the report will be published in July, so check back to learn more!

  • Township staff and consultants sat down to go over the plan’s scope and project management details. The meeting finished with a visit and tour of the corridor. The 22&3 team is elated to have the project underway and to begin engaging with the community.

Vision Statement

The 22&3 team has landed on the plan’s Vision Statement after months of public engagement with residents, stakeholders, committee members, Township staff, and elected officials. The statement is simple and clearly defines the Township’s expectations for the corridor’s future.


Now available!

See what our community said during the 22&3’s first round of engagement.

  • What is a Corridor Plan?

    A Corridor Plan recommends land development regulations and infrastructure standards for a wide range of mobility types (car, bike, pedestrian, scooters, transit).

  • Who is this plan for?

    The plan will serve as a guiding document for Deerfield Township staff and leaders to make informed decisions and to go after funding opportunities to better the corridor that is based on an extensive public process with strong stakeholder input.

  • Can I become involved?

    Of course! This plan is for everybody who lives off, works along, travels on, and visits the corridor. We want to hear from you. Visit the Engage page to learn how to participate or send us a message in the form below.

What’s the extent?

Meet the Team

  • Lelle Lutts Hedding

    Deerfield Township
    President of Board of Trustees

  • Julie Seitz

    Deerfield Township
    Vice President of Board of Trustees

  • Kristin Malhotra

    Deerfield Township

  • Dan Corey

    Deerfield Township
    Fiscal Officer

  • Sam Hill

    Deerfield Township
    Planning and Zoning Director

  • PJ Ginty

    Deerfield Township
    Planning Manager

  • Liz Fields

    McBride Dale Clarion
    Project Manager

  • Kyle Gibbs

    McBride Dale Clarion
    Urban Planner

  • Sara DiLandro

    Human Nature
    Environmental Planner